For sometime I’ve been searching for couple of scripts but to this date can not find anything decent or the one will work properly. I have couple of tiny favours; hopefully someone out there will lend me a hand.

1). I have well over 70 bad words nicks for multiple channels, some require wild cards, can I combine notice, text, action and cctp all in one script? I would prefer something easier to add and subtract words in a jiffy. Can I have kick ban with 1 to 3 minutes. I've no problem adding words as follows:
alias bdwd { set %badwords put,words,here,seperated,by,commas

2). Since I am in over 10 channels, and when I get disconnect from server, I can’t re-connect, well I can but I excess flood, for hours, till I get back and exit from most of the channels. I use timer to join 90 seconds a part, how can I tell my script to close all the open windows and start fresh upon disconnection?

Hope someone out there has a solution? Many Thanks in Advance