Now it will show the clone nicks as well.
Personally, I dont like that little popup window. Window height should change according to the length of text (that is: the number of clones found and the font you are currently using) - that would be a mess!
See below for an alternative...
on ^*:HOTLINK:*:#: {
  var %nr = 1, %prefix
  while ($mid($prefix,%nr,1)) { var %prefix = $addtok(%prefix,$v1,44) | inc %nr }
  if ($remove($1, [ %prefix ,<,> ] ) ison $chan) { clonescanwindow $v1 $chan }

  ; mouse moving over another word in the channel window: hide clonecheck-window 
  elseif ($window($+(@clonecheck,$chr(160),*),1)) { window -h $v1 }


; the clonescan-and-show alias
alias -l clonescanwindow {

  ; store active window to a var 
  var %a = $active, %w = $+(@clonecheck,$chr(160),$2)

  ; create a new- or restore and rename the old clonecheck-window 
  if ($window($+(@clonecheck,$chr(160),*),1)) {
    renwin $v1 %w
    window -o %w
  else { window -doCk0w0 +L %w -1 -1 300 80 }

  clear %w
  if ($ialchan($+(*!*@,$ial($1).host),$2,0) == 1) { aline 9 %w $chr(2) no clones $+ $chr(15) of $1 }
  else {

    ; clones found: list the clones
    var %c.num = $calc($v1 -1), %nr = 1, %clones
    while ($ialchan($+(*!*@,$ial($1).host),$2,%nr).nick) { 
      if ($v1 != $1) { var %clones = $addtok(%clones,$v1,32) }
      inc %nr
    aline 4 %w $chr(2) %c.num $iif((%c.num == 1),clone,clones) $+ $chr(15) of $1
    aline -p %w %clones
    sline %w 2

  ; refocus stored active window
  window -a %a

menu @clonecheck* {
  close window "clonecheck" : window -c $active

...I prefer this one, using the new $tip feature smile
menu channel {
  $iif(($group(#mousepointerclones) == on),$style(1)) Mousepointer Clonescan...
  .$iif(($group(#mousepointerclones) == on),$style(1)) enable : .enable #mousepointerclones
  .$iif(($group(#mousepointerclones) == off),$style(1)) disable : .disable #mousepointerclones

#mousepointerclones off
on ^*:hotlink:*:#: {

  ; cycle possible nick prefixes to allow hotlink on pnicks
  var %nr = 1, %prefix
  while ($mid($prefix,%nr,1)) { var %prefix = $addtok(%prefix,$v1,44) | inc %nr }
  if ($remove($1, [ %prefix ,<,> ] ) ison $chan) {
    var %nick = $v1

    ; if no clone hotlink for that nick active
    if ((!$($+(%,clonetip.queued.,%nick),2)) && (!$tip($+(clonetip.,%nick)))) {
      set -u5 $+(%,clonetip.queued.,%nick) 1
      var %host = $+(*!*@,$ial(%nick).host)

      ; if clones of that user present
      if ($ialchan(%host,$chan,0)  > 1 ) { 
        var %c.num = $calc($v1 -1), %nr = 1, %clones

        ; make a list of all clones
        while ($ialchan(%host,$chan,%nr).nick) { 
          if ($v1 != %nick) { var %clones = $addtok(%clones,$+(•,$chr(160),$v1),32) }
          inc %nr

        ; set tip layout
        var %title = Clones found on $chan
        var %line1 = $+($chr(2),%nick,$chr(2),:) %c.num $iif((%c.num == 1),Clone,Clones) $crlf 
        var %line2 = %host $crlf $+ $chr(160) $crlf 
        var %linex = $replace(%clones,$chr(32),$crlf) $crlf $+ $chr(160)

        ; show tip
        noop $tip($+(clonetip.,%nick),%title,%line1 $+ %line2 $+ %linex,3,$null,$null,$null,$activewid)
#mousepointerclones end

EDIT: An alternative regsub suggestion (I'm not that good with regex) instead of the "remove prefix" part:
on ^*:hotlink:*:#: {
  if ($regsubex($1,/[^\w\-\]\\_^[{}|`]/g,$null) ison $chan) {
    var %nick = $v1 of hotlink...

2nd EDIT: $tip(name) will return $true if (quote) "it was successfully created", not if the tip was triggered and thus "queued". So I added a little "set -u" to prevent "text flooding" in the same window if you move the mouse over multiple clones quickly.

Last edited by Horstl; 22/08/07 06:18 PM.