This is also a feature suggestion or maybe a bug but in 6.21 and previous version, when you are trying to use tab to evaluate an identifier or a %variable and if mirc evaluate it to $null, the editbox keeps the same thing in plain text whereas in mirc 6.3 it simply deletes the evaluated thing, i don't like this behavior and i think if would be better if we could keep the old one.
I don't like the new behaviour either. Fortunately, 6.3 also supports the ^ prefix in on TABCOMP (which may be itself related to this change), providing a way of bringing back the old behaviour:
on ^*:tabcomp:*:{ 
  var %s = $editbox($target).selstart, %t = $editbox($target), $&
    %w = $left($gettok($left(%t,$calc(%s -1)) $+ .,-1,32),-1) $+ $mid($gettok(. $+ $mid(%t,%s),1,32),2)
  if * !iswm $(%w,2) { 
    :error | reseterror | beep 1 | halt 

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com