from the help file:
The on QUIT event triggers when a user quits IRC while on the same channel as you.

The on DISCONNECT event triggers when you quit or are disconnected from an IRC Server.

/quit [message]
Disconnects you from IRC and will give the optional message as the reason for your departure. (this message only appears to people who are on the same channels as you).

So you could simply use
/quit ZoD|aC script ®2008 scriptFoundation

If you want that quit message to appear *only* on #chaco-corrientes, and not every channel you happen to be on, all I can think of is to part every other channel first, then quit using the above.

Or if you're happy to just message to #chaco-corrientes prior to quitting, and not have that be your actual quit message:

on ^*:disconnect: { if (#chaco-corrientes ischan ) msg $v1 ZoD|aC script ®2008 scriptFoundation }
