I got a migrain now lol

but anyhoo I just went by your words and looked at the on join event itself

on @*:join:#:{
if ( %expbanchan == Disable ) || ( %expbanchan == $null ) || ($nick isop #) { return }
if ($nick == ChanServ || $nick == NickServ || $nick == MemoServ) { return }
if ($istok($expbanchan.get(banchanControlList),$chan,44)) && (!$expbanchan.FindUser($chan,$address($nick,5))) {
expbanchan.WhoisAdd $nick $chan


I see in there that $expbanchan.FindUser is not a valid alias within your script and since you have mdx in the script it makes it hard for one to fix it without mdx.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }