Originally Posted By: sigbin
i have many channels in many servers...

I don't. I have a grand total of 3 channels in my favorites list. shocked
Soooo, if this code needs to use scid/scon, I'm at a loss.

Anyway, my thought was to load the favorites in a hidden window, then filter it and use that for the joins.

I also thought when you said server, you meant network. Then I thought, heck maybe he does mean server.

If you really meant server, that would require that you organized your favorites using
the "Folder:" option to represent the servers.

So, we can filter the list by network, and/or by Folder.

I think this code would work if you only made one connection at a time, until all the channels were joined.
In any case, it ought to get you started.

; Usage: /joinfave FolderName

on *:START:grabfave

alias grabfave {
  window -hlp @Favorites
  set -su0 %fvct $ini(mirc.ini,chanfolder,0)
  while %fvct {
    aline @Favorites $readini(mirc.ini,chanfolder,$ini(mirc.ini,chanfolder,%fvct))
    dec %fvct

alias joinfave {
  set %join.net $network
  set %join.foldr $1
  window -hlp @Netfave
  filter -cww @Favorites @Netfave $+(*,%join.net,*)
  filter -cww @Netfave @Netfave $+(*,%join.foldr,*)
  var %y = $filtered, %x = 1
  while ( %x <= %y ) {
    .timer 1 %x join $gettok($line(@Netfave,%x),1,44)
    inc %x
  window -c @Netfave
  unset %join.*

I only 'tested' this with echo and my puny favorites list!
