MY friend and I have been working on a bot for our channel. We have gotten many usefull tips and scripts from here. However, we need help in making a temporary kick ban script. WE have one already but only works in alias. We need one that works in remote. Here is the script:
/tkb { /timer 1 0 /mode #lost_inferno +bb $address($1,2) $address($1,3)
/timer 1 1 /kick # $1 7,1 Time-Kick-Ban. 8,1::11,1 Reason: $+ $3- $+ 8,1::4,1 Banned for: $2 minute(s) - $calc(60*$2) second(s) 8,1::10,1 Ban'n'Kicks: %Counter.Ban.Kicks $+ 1.
/timer 1 $calc(60*$2) /mode #lost_inferno -bb $address($1,2) $address($1,3)
Basically we would like everything to stay the same just if it could please be activated by ! instead of / and also if only people with access lvls of 4 and up could use it. I have been working quite hard to figure it out but sadly can't seem to. I hope someone on here can help me out.
Thanks a lot!