Not really, the only thing I would say is add the -k switch in the ban command which kicks aswell.

alias warn {
  var %kmsg = Pls. leave the (+s)secret/Spam/Bad Channel while $& 
    your in Davao, Pls msg me to unban you (Script Under Construction, %n = $$1
  ban -k # %n 2 %kmsg
  .msg %n Pls. leave Lampungan while your in Davao 
  .notice %n Pls. leave Lampungan while your in Davao 
  .msg %n next time wag magpa uto sa inviter 
  .notice %n next time wag magpa uto sa inviter

Adding a . before the command silences the command, meaning you wont get these messages shown when sending them a message/notice:

-> *SladeKraven* ...
-> -sladekraven- ...

I used $&. From the help file:

The $& identifier

This identifier allows you to break up a single line into multiple lines which are combined when the script is performed, so you can edit long commands more easily.

/warn <nick>
/warn $$1

Good luck.