-uN is a possible flag for ignore, but not for protect...
In fact, besides "network" they do have no "relevant options" (properties) in common..

$protect is: (nick/mask) (chan(s) to protect on) (network to protect on)
$ignore is: (nick/mask) (type(s) of ignore) (network to ignore on)
So, the only thing you can do is loop all protections and ignore them on that network without further properties... or set these properties/options up manually.

alias ignoreprotecteds {
  var %nr = 1
  while ($protect(%nr)) {
    ignore $ifmatch $protect(%nr).network 
    inc %nr

(Note: I still don't get the meaning of ignoring those you do protect, anyway...)

Last edited by Horstl; 24/07/07 12:05 PM.