The variable is %bnick*

I have %bnickword %bnickword2 etc.

  var %i = 1
  while (%i < $var(%bnick*,0)) {
    inc %i
    if ($identifier == $var(%bnick*,%i).value) {
      if statement { 
          do stuff | /unset $var(%bnick*,%i)
      /unset $var(%bnick*,%i)

I just added all the /unset $var(%bnick*,%i) as I can, but I believe only 1 is enough..

After checking for the value of te %variable, I then want to /unset after the end of the while loop. Also unsetted it after using it. But no, the variable still exists..

I didn't /unset the $var().value of the variable because I want the variable completely gone.

