I use this in my script.
join $readini(system\aj\autojoin.ini,$network,channel)
that working just fine as long as i dont add any key to the channel. the ini looks like this:
channel=#open,#keyed key
if i do: //echo -> $readini(system\aj\autojoin.ini,$network,channel)
it return:
-> #open,#keyed key
so long everything working as it should, you see the key in the echoed line, but when i try to make it join the channel with the key, then the server tells me i need the key, how ever the key is there, if i change the line so it looks like:
channel=#keyed key,#open
then it join the keyed channel, but not #open , the space in the file cosing the script to halt for some reason. I have been testing the code, been looking in debug, and what i can see the key and the other channel is sent to the server:
-> irc.server.org JOIN #keyed key,#open
but it wont join #open , i asked in a irc channel, but i didnt understand what they said so i need someone to explain to me how i can solve this.
Need to add:
if none of the channels have a key, then it working as it supposed to:
it joins #open1 and #open
so it must have to do with the space between the channel and the key, been trying to solve this for 3 hours now, still no luck with it. need help, and if possible a good explanation to how i can fix it.