Yea I'm having problems.

Modified script.

on *:input:*: {
  if (/* !iswm $1) {
    if ($1 != seen) {
      /write something to file.txt | /HALT
The /HALT above I had to add to fix the problem...
    if ($1 == seen) && ($2) && ($3 == $null) { 
      /meseen $me $active $2
    if ($1 == seen) && ($2) && ($3 != $null) && ($4 == $null) {
      if ($left($3,1) == $chr(35)) {
        /seenchannel $me $chan $2 $3
      if ($left($3,1) != $chr(35)) {
        /THIS_ALIAS_IS_TRIGGERED $me $chan $2 $3
        ;BUT DOES $1 == SEEN IF I TYPE . ?
    if ($1 == seen) && ($2) && ($3 != $null) && ($4 != $null) && ($5 == $null) {
      /seenchannelnetwork $me $chan $2 $3 $4
    if ($1 == seen) && ($2) && ($3 != $null) && ($4 != $null) && ($5 != $null) {
      /seentext $me $chan $2 $3 $4 $5-
  if (/* iswm $1) {
    if ($1 == /me) {
      /write something to file.txt | /halt

See the capital /HALT? If I remove that, and I start typing, this is what happens.

[July 08 2007 Sunday 04:16:49 AM] <Neal> >.
[July 08 2007 Sunday 04:16:49 AM] <Neal> Neal: I've never seen talk on the IRC network before.
[July 08 2007 Sunday 04:16:52 AM] <Neal> .
[July 08 2007 Sunday 04:16:52 AM] <Neal> Neal: I've never seen talk on the IRC network before.
[July 08 2007 Sunday 04:18:02 AM] <Neal> Seen test.
[July 08 2007 Sunday 04:18:02 AM] <Neal> Neal: I've never seen test in #channel's before.

The aliases (/THIS_ALIAS_IS_TRIGGERED) are triggered.

And so, adding the /HALT stops it. But then, if I have the halt...

I can't type <

But I can type >

Why's that? A bug?

And I don't want to /HALT at the beginning.

So when I type anything besides /* or seen, /THIS_ALIAS_IS_TRIGGERED is triggered, and I had to add the /halt to prevent it, but then, nothing happens if I type > in a channel (but typing < works).

Any ideas what's wrong?

The if statements clearly state that $1 has to be seen, but if I type some other words besides seen, that alias is still triggered, but it shouldn't.

mIRC 6.21.
