Well, the character recognition in the nickname could be done with or without regexp easily.

Here are the 2 methods I may propose:

Alias RecNrm {
  Var %w = $1 , %l = $len($1)
  Var %nc = $count(%w,b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z)
  Var %p = $calc((%nc / %l) * 100)
  If (%p >= 95) { Return 1 }
  Else { Return 0 }

Alias RecReg {
  Var %w = $1 , %l = $len($1)
  Var %nc = $regex(%w,/([b-df-hj-np-tv-z])/gi)
  Var %p = $calc((%nc / %l) * 100)
  If (%p >= 95) { Return 1 }
  Else { Return 0 }

These 2 functions will locate if there is atleast 95% of consonants in a word.
I tried to be as 'clear' as possible.

Hoping it helps ...
