you need an on notice event pre-switched to forward the notices to the requesting nick.

on 1000:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($1 == $ $+ showbans) { 
    if !$timer(qbanlist) {
      msg Q BANLIST # 
      set %Qbanlistnick $nick 
      timerqbanlist 1 60 unset %Qbanlistnick
    else msg $nick Sorry $nick, wait $timer(qbanlist).secs before trying again.

on *:notice:*:*:{
  if ( $nick == Q ) && ( %Qbanlistnick ) {
    msg %Qbanlistnick $1-

untested, this (hopefully) works like this...

<nick> $showbans
<you> -> Q > Banlist #channel (you also set "nick" as the person to forward the list to and a timer to prevent anyone from using this command again within 1 minute)
-Q-> nick1
<you> -> nick > nick1
-Q-> nick2
<you> -> nick > nick2

hope that helps (+works)

