Your last post gave a clearer, different picture of what you want to do (it would have helped if you gave all that information in your first post). It does make sense now, although you still give contradictory information with respect to the last variable. Is it %calc.points.<text> or %calc.multiplier.<text> ? The following piece of code assumes the latter; you'll have to modify it yourself if you want otherwise:
on *:text:!calc *:#yourchannel:{
  if $regex(c1,$2-,/^(\d++(?: \d++)*) ([ABCD])((?: \w++){1,3})$/) {
    var %a = ( $regsubex(c2,$regml(c1,1),/(\d+)/g,\1*%calc.r\n +) ) $&
      $+(*%calc.,$regml(c1,2) *%calc.multiplier.,$remove($regml(c1,3),$chr(32)))
    ; %a contains the final expression
    msg # $calc(%a)

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com