I use this code to return timestamp in my theme:
alias tstmpt {
  if (%tstmp == 1) { return %tleft $+ $time( $+ %tsform $+ ) $+ %tright }

and it woking just fine as long as timestamp is enabled, how ever if i disable timestamp, then i get a space i want to be removed.


[11:36] ° Nick testar

No space infront of [11:36]

how ever if i disable timestamp it looks like


° Nick testar

You see the space, and i cant return $+ to remove it.
alias tstmpt {
  if (%tstmp == 1) { return %tleft $+ $time( $+ %tsform $+ ) $+ %tright }
  if (%tstmp == 0) { return $+ }

So how do i solve this?

;------- Edit

%tleft [
%right ]
%tsform mm:nn

so you see the %var's i use.

Last edited by sparta; 18/06/07 09:50 AM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }