I need to match a %var, if that %var is less then 10, to be exact 3 less then 10, then i want it to react and do one command one time, now it does a react 3 times due

if ($calc(%test - 3) > $($+(%, test., $nick), 2)) { }

the > tells if its more then 7, then it should react, and it reacts on 8 - 9 and 10 .. i only want it so send the command 1 time at 8.. like if i did
set %test 8
if (%test == 8) { echo -a the test var is 1 more then 7, so it's 8 and i reacted on that }

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }