Am using this to check version on join...Is it possible to store bad script names in text file instaed of var?

%CTCP MurderScript stealth.Inviter echoX inviter ozinviter echoxinviter VirusScript

ON !@*:JOIN:#: {
if (%CTCPREPLY == off) || !%CTCPREPLY || ($nick isop $chan) { return }
if !$($+(%,version.check,.,$fulladdress),2) {
.ctcp $nick VERSION 
set -e $+(%,version.check,.,$fulladdress) 1
var %i = 0
while (%i < $numtok(%ctcp,32)) {
inc %i
var %ctcpreply = $gettok(%ctcp,%i,32)
if ($istok($strip($1-),%ctcpreply,32) == $true) {
VAR %c = 0
while (%c < $comchan($nick,0)) { 
inc %c
if ($me isop $comchan($nick,%c)) {
ban -ku3600 $comchan($nick,%c) $nick 2 14Inviter Script Detected 