Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Can you post the 2 scripts that you're using (quote and away)? I'll see what the conflict is and we can probably fix that.

I am not sure what is what..

It is a real mess..

Could I post all of it?


; ---- Start ----

; -{] Tillkobling/Connection ... []-                                  ;

; - On connection connectioning...

on *:connect:{ 
  if ($network == efnet) {
    join #filosofisk
    join #narkotika rosafisk 
    join #spiritual 
    join #psychedelics 
    join #shrooms 
    join #MENSA 
    join #buddhism 
    join #spirituality 
    join #dreaming
    join #ugdulf 
    join #ascension 
    join #archangels 
    join #3d_life 
    join #dreamt  
    join #rytmeboksen 
    join #tao 
    join #åndelighet 
    msg dilemma op 8glemSom
    msg LinuxHOW op teletubba
    timer 1 30 /JoinOTHER
    timer 1 60 /HideTAB
  if ($network ==  AccessIRC) {
    server -m irc.homelien.no
    msg nickserv identify entotri
    join #br1 
    join #ddayhome
    timer 1 10 /windowhide
    timer 1 2 /joinacc
    server -m irc.shroomery.org
  if ($network == Paranormal) {
    join #torget
    msg nickserv identify mohofopo
  if ($network ==  ShroomeryIRC) {
    join #shroomery
    timer 1 5 /nick I
    timer 1 10 /Joinshr
    timer 1 66 /Hideshr
    msg nickserv identify pass
    msg nickserv identify pass
    msg nickserv identify pass
    timer 1 56 /msg nickserv identify tubbtubb
    timer 1 54 /nick ^I
    Timer 1 55 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY pspass
  if ($network ==  DALnet) {
    join #spirituality
    join #science!
    join #cannabis 
    timer 1 3 /cloiii
    timer 1 20 /cloi
    timer 1 25 /topic #legalized And so it was...
    msg NickServ@services.dal.net identify AnGodPswd

:-------------------------------------- accessIRC ------------------------------------------------------:

; - Joine "missing" channels for accessIRC...

alias joinacc {
  join #norge
  join #4threich
  join #TheSpot
  join #sirstargazer

; - Hide channels for accessIRC...

alias windowhide {
  /window -h #norge
  /window -h #4threich
  /window -h #TheSpot
  /window -h #sirstargazer
  /window -h #ddayhome

; - Show channel-tabs for accessIRC...

alias windowshow {
  /window -w #norge
  /window -w #4threich
  /window -w #TheSpot
  /window -w #sirstargazer
  /window -w #ddayhome

:-------------------------------------- accessIRC -----------------------------------------------------

; - Join channels: for SHROOMERY channels...

alias Joinshr {
  /join #salvia 
  /join #botany 
  /join #edibles 
  /join #chemistry 
  /join #cactus
  /join #cultivation 
  /join #love
  /join #cannabis
  /join #otd 

; - Hide the tabs for SHROOMERY channels...

alias Hideshr {
  /window -h #salvia 
  /window -h #botany 
  /window -h #edibles 
  /window -h #chemistry 
  /window -h #cultivation 
  /window -h #cactus
  /window -h #otd
  /window -h #cannabis
  /window -h #love

; - Show the tabs for SHROOMERY channels...

alias aHideshr {
  /window -w #salvia 
  /window -w #botany 
  /window -w #edibles 
  /window -w #chemistry 
  /window -w #cultivation 
  /window -w #cactus
  /window -w #love
  /window -w #cannabis
  /window -w #otd

; - Hide the tabs for DALNET channels...

alias cloi {
  /window -h #cannabis 
  /window -h #dreamt
  /window -h #spirituality
  /window -h #legalized
  /window -h #science!
  /window -h #asylum

; - Join more channels DALNET channels...

alias  cloiii {
  /join #dreamt 
  /join #philosophy!
  /join #legalized
  /join #asylum

; - Show the tabs for DALNET channels...

alias acloi {
  /window -w #cannabis 
  /window -w #dreamt
  /window -w #philosophy!
  /window -w #legalized
  /window -w #science!
  /window -w #asylum

alias Thumbs {
  /say   ___
  /say  ( ((
  /say   \ =\
  /say  __\_ `-\ 
  /say (____))(  \------  
  /say (____)) _  
  /say (____))
  /say (____))____/----'
  /say     Thumbs Up 

alias Joinefmer {
  /join #filosofi 
  /join #philosophy 
  /join #ganja
  /join #chemistry 
  /join #NanoTechnology 

; -{] Modifisering av Menyer OSV... []-                               ;

; - Show/Hide Tab in SwitchBar...

menu channel {
  -Hide Channel TAB- : window -ha $active
  Show Channel TAB : { window -w $active }

; - Reloads /msg's Loggs, when ever somone contact me...

on *:open:?:loadbuf $nick $query($nick).logfile

; - Reloding av Logger via høyere-klikk i /msg's..-

menu query {
  reload logfile: loadbuf $1 $+(",$sfile($logdir*.log),")

: - De-voicing av megselv, der hvor ikke voice er ønskelig...

;on *:op:#utvikling:$iif($opnick == $me,.mode $chan -v $me)

: - De-voicing av megselv, der hvor ikke voic er ønskelig...

;on *:voic:#utvikling:$iif($voicnick == $me,.mode $chan -v $me)

: - De-voicing av Gomp, der hvor ikke voic er ønskelig...

on *:voic:#utvikling:$iif($voicnick == Gomp,.mode $chan -v Gomp)

: - De-oping av megselv, der hvor ikke voice er ønskelig...

;on *:op:#spiritual:$iif($opnick == $me,.mode $chan +v $me)

;on *:voic:#spiritual:$iif($voicnick == $me,.mode $chan -o $me)

;on *:op:#spiritual:{
;  $iif($opnick == Gomp,.mode $chan +v Gomp)
;  $iif($opnick == Gomp,.timer 1 5 /mode #spiritual -o gomp)

;on *:op:#spiritual:{
;  $iif($opnick == curious,.mode $chan +v curious)
;  $iif($opnick == curious,.timer 1 5 /mode #spiritual -o curious)

; - De-voicing av Gomp, der hvor ikke voice er ønskelig...

on @*:voice:#utvikling: {
  if ($vnick == gomp) { mode # -v gomp }

; - Deoping + voice ...

on *:op:#magic:{
  $iif($opnick == Gomp,.mode $chan +v Gomp)
  $iif($opnick == Gomp,.timer 1 5 /mode #magic -o gomp)


; - OP in certain channels...

alias oip {
  /msg gomp op  #utvikling
  /msg gomp op  #innvikling
  /timer 1 100 /mip

alias mip {
  /msg gomp op  #filosofisk
  /msg gomp op  #åndelig
  /timer 1 100 /mkp

alias mkp {
  /msg gomp op  #Le·g·ion!
  /msg gomp op  #ugdulf


; - Hide the tabs for certain channels...

alias HideTAB {
  /window -h #sms.no
  ;  /window -h #utvikling 
  /window -h #2012
  /window -h #innsikt
  /window -h #innvikling
  /window -h #Le·g·ion!
  /window -h #ganja
  /window -h #dreaming
  /window -h #tv.no
  /timer 1 3 /Hoinefmer

; - Show the tabs for certain channels...

alias aHideTAB {
  /window -w #sms.no
  ;  /window -w #utvikling 
  /window -w #2012
  /window -w #innsikt
  /window -w #innvikling
  /window -w #Le·g·ion!
  /window -w #ganja
  /window -w #dreaming
  /window -w #felles


; - Part the "other" channels...

alias partOTHER {
  /part #MENSA 
  /window -h #åndelig
  /window -h #tv.no
  /window -h #felles
  /window -h #paranormal!
  /window -h #3d_life
  /window -h #quote
  /window -h #quotes
  ;  /window -h #psychedelics 


alias Soinefmer {
  /window -w #filosofi 
  /window -w #ganja
  /window -w #chemistry 
  /window -w #NanoTechnology 
  /window -w #3d_life
  /window -w #quote
  /window -w #quotes

;  /window -w #philosophy 

alias Hoinefmer {
  /window -h #Filosofi 
  /window -h #ganja
  /window -h #chemistry 
  /window -h #NanoTechnology 

:  /window -h #philosophy 


; - Join the "missing" channels... {EfNet}

alias JoinOTHER {
  /join #sms.no
  /join #utvikling 
  /join #2012
  /join #innsikt
  /join #christian 
  /join #Shamanism 
  /join #Gudene 
  /join #Truth 
  /join #innvikling
  /join #Le·g·ion!
  /join #ganja
  /join #åndelig
  /timer 1 3 /mermer

; - Join MORE "missing" channels... {EfNet}

alias mermer {
  /join #filosofi
  /join #chemistry 
  /join #tv.no
  /join #felles
  /join #paranormal!
  /join #all-notes
  /join #quotes
  /join #quote  
  /join #NanoTechnology



; - !Sitatscript...

on *:text:!sitat*:*: {
  if ($level($address($nick,8)) == Sitat.Ban) { return }
  else var %who = $nick
  if ($chan) {
    if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #mensa #sirstargazer #asylum #astral #br1 #TheSpot #philosophy! #Invision #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #immortal-technique #felles #tv.no #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism #christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #sms.no #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt #3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
    var %who = $chan
    if (%quote.delay) {
      .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay) - Or use e.g. !quote in a PM. (Type !help in any of the channels I am in to see all available commands.) NB: I am not a bot.
    else {
      var %delay = $rand(25,47)
      set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
  if ($2) {
    if ($2 !isnum) { msg %who $2 is not a number. | return }
    if ($lines(sitats.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote # $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
    msg %who $read(sitats.txt,$2)
  elseif ($1 == !sitater) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(sitats.txt) }
  else msg %who $read(sitats.txt)

on *:text:!leggtilsitat*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick You need to include a quote to add. }
  else write sitats.txt $2-

menu nicklist {
  !Sitat Ban: auser Sitat.Ban $address($snick($chan,1),8)


; - !Quotescript...

on *:text:!quote*:*: {
  if ($level($address($nick,8)) == Quote.Ban) { return }
  else var %who = $nick
  if ($chan) {
    if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #mensa #sirstargazer #4threich #asylum #astral #br1 #TheSpot #philosophy! #Invision #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #immortal-technique #felles #tv.no #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism #christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #sms.no #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt #3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
    var %who = $chan
    if (%quote.delay) {
      .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay) - Or use !"commands" in a PM.
    else {
      var %delay = $rand(5,25)
      set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
  if ($2) {
    if ($2 !isnum) {
      window -h @quote.search
      loadbuf -r @quote.search quotes.txt
      var %quote.temp $fline(@quote.search,$+(*,$2-,*),0)
      if (%quote.temp isnum 1-20) {
        var %i = 1,%quote.match
        while ($fline(@quote.search,$+(*,$2-,*),%i)) {
          %quote.match = $addtok(%quote.match,$v1,44)
          inc %i
        msg $chan Matches for $2 --> %quote.match
        window -c @quote.search
      elseif (%quote.temp == 0) { msg $chan No match found. }
      else { msg $chan More than 20 matches found, please narrow your search down }
    else {
      if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
      msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)

on *:text:!addquote*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick You need to include a quote to add. }
  else write quotes.txt $2-

menu nicklist {
  !Quote Ban: auser Quote.Ban $address($snick($chan,1),8)

on *:input:*: {
  if ($1 == !quote) {
    var %who = $iif($chan,$chan,$me)
    if ($chan) {
      if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #sirstargazer #mensa #asylum #4threich #astral #br1 #TheSpot #philosophy! #Invision #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #felles #immortal-technique #felles #tv.no #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism #christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #sms.no #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt #3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
      if (%quote.delay) {
        echo -a Please try again after $duration(%quote.delay) or use !quote in a PM.
      else {
        var %delay = $rand(3,5)
        set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
    if ($2) {
      if ($2 !isnum) {
        window -h @quote.search
        loadbuf -r @quote.search quotes.txt
        var %quote.temp $fline(@quote.search,$+(*,$2-,*),0)
        if (%quote.temp isnum 1-20) {
          var %i = 1,%quote.match
          while ($fline(@quote.search,$+(*,$2-,*),%i)) {
            %quote.match = $addtok(%quote.match,$v1,44)
            inc %i
          msg $chan Matches for $2 --> %quote.match
          window -c @quote.search
        elseif (%quote.temp == 0) { msg $chan No match found. }
        else { msg $chan More than 20 matches found, please narrow your search down }
      else {
        if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
        msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
    else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  elseif ($1 == !addquote) {
    if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You need to include a quote to add. }
    else write quotes.txt $2-

on *:text:!help:#: { 
  msg $nick Available commands: !quote, !quotes, !quote "number", and !addquote "quote" - Author. And: !quote "word" to search...

; ---- End ----

Tell me if I need to dig. smile

thanks for helping! laugh

Last edited by Karen; 12/05/07 02:28 PM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.