Is it possible for someone to make a bad word trigger script using this dialog with a timer kick message?


alias cspam _dialog -dmn cspam cspam

dialog cspam {
  title "Offensive Words Trigger"
  size -1 -1 400 320
  list 1, 10 45 380 210, sort
  button "Add", 2, 30 290 60 25, default,flat
  button "Update", 7, 100 290 60 25, disable,flat
  button "Remove", 3, 170 290 60 25, disable,flat
  check "Enable Protection", 4, 50 250 120 25
  edit "", 5, 10 20 380 25, autohs
  box "You Can Use Wildmasks Trigger", 6, 5 5 390 275
  check "Use penalty on spammer", 8, 200 250 150 25
  button "Ok", 9, 310 290 60 25, ok,flat
  button "Cancel", 10, 240 290 60 25, cancel,flat