Maybe this will do the job for you
on *:sockread:fetch:{
  ; check if the header has been recieved
  ; if so read the data to a binvar and bwrite it
  if $sock($sockname).mark {
    sockread -f &a
    bwrite $+(c:/winbolo/maps/, -1 -1 &a

  ; Otherwise, read the header data and do nothing with it
  else {
    var %a | sockread %a
    ; The header will be followed by a blank line
    ; If the var is empty the header has been recieved
    if !%a { sockmark $sockname 1 }

P.S. In the on text event, you should check if you are already downloading a map before trying to get another. You can do that by setting a var and unset it again in a sockclose event or by checking if $sock(fetch) is $null (or you could use multiple sockets).