an even better way for using lvls with it.... (this is from my private bot)

on 1:load:{
guser SOP $me 3
set %friends %friends $address($me,3)
alias control.sop.commands {
msg $active 1,9«~{Blood Bot}~»9,1 SOP - Commands
msg $active  - !op !deop                 - Op / Deop yourself
msg $active  - !voice !devoice           - Voice / Devoice Yourself
msg $active  - !voice [nickname]         - Voice Another User
msg $active  - !devoice [nickname]       - DeVoice Another User
msg $active  - !kick [nick] [message]    - Kick a User
msg $active  - !ban  [nick]              - Ban  a User
msg $active  - !kickban [nick] [message] - Kick & Ban a User
msg $active  - !ircops                   - List Ircops Online
msg $active  - !whois [nick]             - /Whois a User
msg $active  - !unban [me/all]           - Unban me ( $+ $me $+ ) or All
msg $active  - !akick [add/del] [mask]   - Akick Control (add/delete) Use Mask Only
msg $active 1,9«~{Blood Bot}~»9,1
on SOP:Join:#:if ($chan !isin %control.chans) { halt } | if ($me isop $chan) { .mode $chan +o $nick } | elseif (($chan isin %protection.asop) && ($me !isop $chan)) { .ChanServ op $chan $nick }
on SOP:Text:!*:#:{
if ($chan isin %control.nochans) { halt }
if ($me isop $chan) {
if (!op isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if ($2 == $null) { if ($nick !isop $chan) { if ($nick isvo $chan) { .mode $chan -v+o $nick $nick } | else { .mode $chan +o $nick } } } | else { .mode $chan +ooo $2- } }
if (!deop isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | elseif ($2 == $null) { if ($nick isop $chan) { .mode $chan -o $nick } } | else { .mode $chan -ooo $2- } }
if (!voice isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if ($2 == $null) { if (($nick !isvo $chan) && ($nick isop $chan)) { .mode $chan -o+v $nick $nick | halt } | elseif (($nick !isvo $chan) && ($nick !isop $chan)) { .mode $chan +v $nick } } | else { if (($2 !isvo $chan) && ($2 isop $chan)) { .mode $chan -o+v $2 $2 | halt } | elseif (($2 !isvo $chan) && ($2 !isop $chan)) { .mode $chan +v $2 } } }
if (!devoice isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | elseif ($2 == $null) { if ($nick isvo $chan) { .mode $chan -v $nick } } | else { .mode $chan -vvv $2- } }
if (!kick isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if ($level($2) == SOP) { msg $chan Super-Ops cannot kick eachother | halt } | else { .kick $chan $2 «~{1,9Blood Bot9,1}~» «~Kick - Request~» «~ $nick : $3 ~» } }
if (!ban isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .ban $chan $2 3 }
if (!kickban isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-2) { msg $chan Nope } | .kick $chan $2 «~{1,9Blood Bot9,1}~» «~KickBan - Request~» «~ $nick : $3 ~» | .ban $chan $2 3 }
if (!unban isin $1-) { .ChanServ unban $chan $2 }
if (!akick isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .ChanServ akick $chan add $2 }
if (!ircops isin $1-) { set %command msg $chan | ircops }
if (!whois isin $1-) { set %command msg $chan | whois $$2 }
if (!say isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | msg $chan †¸.·¨·» $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 «·¨·.¸† }
if (!talk isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | msg $chan $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 }
alias control.aop.commands {
msg $active 1,9«~{Blood Bot}~»9,1 AOP - Commands
msg $active  - !op !deop                 - Op / Deop yourself
msg $active  - !voice !devoice           - Voice / Devoice Yourself
msg $active  - !op [nick]                - Op Another User
msg $active  - !deop [nick]              - Deop Another User
msg $active  - !voice [nick]             - Voice Another User
msg $active  - !devoice [nick]           - DeVoice Another User
msg $active  - !kick [nick] [message]    - Kick a User
msg $active  - !ban  [nick]              - Ban  a User
msg $active  - !kickban [nick] [message] - Kick & Ban a User
msg $active  - !ircops                   - List Ircops Online
msg $active  - !whois [nick]             - /Whois a User
msg $active 1,9«~{Blood Bot}~»9,1
on AOP:Join:#:if ($chan !isin %control.chans) { halt } | if ($me isop $chan) { .mode $chan +o $nick } | elseif (($chan isin %protection.asop) && ($me !isop $chan)) { .ChanServ op $chan $nick }
on AOP:Text:!*:#:{
if ($chan isin %control.nochans) { halt }
if ($me isop $chan) {
if (!op isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if ($2 == $null) { if ($nick !isop $chan) { if ($nick isvo $chan) { .mode $chan -v+o $nick $nick } | else { .mode $chan +o $nick } } } | else { .mode $chan +ooo $2- } }
if (!deop isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if ($2 == $null) { if ($nick isop $chan) { .mode $chan -o $nick } } | else { .mode $chan -ooo $2- } }
if (!voice isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if (($nick !isvo $chan) && ($nick isop $chan)) { .mode $chan -o+v $nick $nick | halt } | elseif (($nick !isvo $chan) && ($nick !isop $chan)) { .mode $chan +v $nick } }
if (!devoice isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .mode $chan -v $nick }
if (!kick isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .kick $chan $2 «~{1,9Blood Bot9,1}~» «~Kick - Request~» «~ $nick : $3 ~» }
if (!ban isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .ban $chan $2 3 | msg $chan «~{1,9Blood Bot9,1}~» «~Ban - Request~» «~ $nick : $3 ~» }
if (!kickban isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .ban $chan $2 3 | .kick $chan $2 «~{1,9Blood Bot9,1}~» «~KickBan - Request~» «~ $nick : $3 ~» }
if (!ircops isin $1-) { set %command msg $chan | ircops }
if (!whois isin $1-) { set %command msg $chan | whois $$2 }
if (!say isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | msg $chan †¸.·¨·» $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 «·¨·.¸† }
if (!talk isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | msg $chan $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 }
alias control.av.commands {
msg $active 1,9«~{Blood Bot}~»9,1 Voice - Commands
msg $active  - !voice !devoice           - Voice / Devoice Yourself
msg $active  - !voice [nickname]         - Voice Another User
msg $active  - !devoice [nickname]       - DeVoice Another User
msg $active 1,9«~{Blood Bot}~»9,1
on AV:Join:#:if ($chan !isin %control.chans) { halt } | if ($me isop $chan) { .mode $chan +v $nick }
on AV:Text:!*:#:{
if ($chan isin %control.nochans) { halt }
if ($me isop $chan) {
if (!voice isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | if (($nick !isvo $chan) && ($nick isop $chan)) { .mode $chan -o+v $nick $nick | halt } | elseif (($nick !isvo $chan) && ($nick !isop $chan)) { .mode $chan +v $nick } }
if (!devoice isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .mode $chan -v $nick }
if (!ircops isin $1-) { set %command msg $chan | ircops }
if (!whois isin $1-) { set %command msg $chan | whois $$2 }
if (!say isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | msg $chan †¸.·¨·» $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 «·¨·.¸† }
if (!talk isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | msg $chan $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 }
if (!version isin $1-) { if ($me isin $1-) { msg $chan Nope } | .ver }
menu nicklist {
Access DB
..Add:{ set %friends %friends $address($1,5) | echo 5 -a *** Added $1 To Friends List }
..Del:{ set %friends $remove(%friends,$address($1,5)) | echo 5 -a *** Removed $1 From Friends List }
..View:{ echo 3 -a *** Friends List: %friends }
..Anti-Op %auto.op :{ if ( %auto.op == ON ) { .set %auto.op OFF | .auto OFF | echo 5 -a *** Anti-Op 4OFF.... } | else { .set %auto.op ON | .auto ON | echo 5 -a *** Anti-Op 4ON.... } }
..Add:{ .guser -a 30 $$1 5 | echo 5 -a *** Added $$1 To Anti-Op List }
..Del:{ .ruser 30 $$1 5 | echo 5 -a *** Removed $$1 From Anti-Op List }
.Super Op
..Add:{ .guser -a SOP $$1 5 | echo 5 -a *** Added $$1 To Sop List }
..Del:{ .ruser SOP $$1 5 | echo 5 -a *** Removed $$1 From Sop List }
..Say Commands:{ control.sop.commands }
..Add:{ .guser -a AOP $$1 5 | echo 5 -a *** Added $$1 To Aop List }
..Del:{ .ruser AOP $$1 5 | echo 5 -a *** Removed $$1 From Aop List }
..Say Commands:{ control.aop.commands }
..Add:{ .guser -a AV $$1 3 | echo 3 -a *** Added $$1 To AV List }
..Del:{ .ruser AV $$1 3 | echo 3 -a *** Removed $$1 From AV List }
..Say Commands:{ control.av.commands }
.Reset DB
..Reset SOP DB:/rlevel SOP
..Reset OP DB:/rlevel AOP
..Reset A-Voice DB:/rlevel AV
.Del User:/ruser $$1 3
on 1:ban:#:{
if ((SOP isin $level($bnick)) || (AOP isin $level($bnick))) {
.mode $chan -ob+bbb $nick $banmask $address($nick,2) $address($nick,3) $address($nick,9)
.kick $chan $nick Don't Touch My Friends!!
.timer 1 120 { .mode $chan -bbb $address($nick,2) $address($nick,3) $address($nick,9) }
on 1:kick:#:{
if ((SOP isin $level($knick)) || (AOP isin $level($knick)) || (FRIENDS isin $level($knick))) {
.mode $chan -o+bbb $nick $address($nick,2) $address($nick,3) $address($nick,9)
.kick $chan $nick Don't Touch My Friends!!
.timer 1 120 { .mode $chan -bbb $address($nick,2) $address($nick,3) $address($nick,9) }
.invite $knick $chan
;Friends List
on 1:join:#:{
if ($chan isin %control.nochans) { halt }
if ($address($nick,5) isin %friends) {
if ($me isop $chan) { .mode $chan +o $nick }
elseif (($me !isop $chan) && ($chan isin %protection.asop)) { .Chanserv op $chan $nick }
on @*:op:#:{
if (30 isin $level($address($opnick,5))) {
.mode $chan -o $opnick
;on @*:voice:#:{
; if (20 isin $level($address($vnick,5))) {
; .mode $chan -v $opnick
; }
on @*:serverop:#:{
if (30 isin $level($address($opnick,5))) {
.mode $chan -o $opnick

Butterflies are random thoughts people have.
They Live, They Die, They Are Pointless.