on *:text:*:?: {
  if $read(hi.txt,w,$1-) {
    inc -u600 %autohi. $+ $address($nick,4)
    if ($($+(%,autohi.,$address($nick,4)),2) < 3) {
      .timer 1 3 msg $nick !$gettok($read(hi.txt,$readn),-1,45)

this script doesnt work

it doesnt say the proper reply

whats wrong? frown


I basically want to match specific queries with specific automatic replies, but to work only once in 600 secs for the same ip/host (*!*@anything)

the specific queries and their automatic replies should be stored in hi.txt in this format:
specificquery - reply
(supporting wildcards)

Last edited by nataliad; 29/04/07 10:21 PM.