my black list script is not fully, when the channel has no kicks it works fine but it only say: Number of kicks left: /5. and if there is one or more kick it will not show it, but after 5 kicks it will not join the blacklisted channel. could someone help me out i am kinda confused on this one...

on me:*:JOIN:#:{
var %chan = $chan
msg $chan $c1(hello, to make me leave please use "4!part zedare", for help visit 3#pwntage or "7!help".thanks $($chan))
if $read(blacklists.txt,w,$chan) {
part $chan This channel has been blacklisted.I will not join this channel without permission. To request unblacklist: /ms send Zr69 <Message>
else {
if ($($+(%,blackkicks.,$chan),2)) {
var %left = $($+($calc(5 - $v1),/5))
else {
var %left = 5/5
msg $chan $c1(Number of kicks left:) $c2($($+(%,blackkicks.,$chan),2)) $c1(/) $c2(5)

Last edited by Zr69; 29/04/07 02:56 AM.