$exists() correctly handles double spaces, as do all internal identifiers and some internal commands (/returnex, /var, /set). When you say $findfile() doesn't I assume you mean in the internal command parameter, in which case it is because it uses the $N syntax which is where mIRC does strip consecutive spaces (which is why no custom commands or identifiers can currently support them). If you look at the Feature Suggestions section I suggested a specific identifier to return the full file/dirname in $findfile() and $finddir() just a couple of days ago, so who knows, maybe that'll be supported in the future.

As for why commands were designed the way they are, you have to remember that mIRC's scripting language was not originally intended to be a fullblown programming language as some people use it today. Some of the design choices made (presumably) for simplicity 12 years ago may be frustrating now, but back then they probably seemed like the best thing to do. And who back then could've guessed where it would end up today?

Of course these days it'd be nice if there were a few extra methods around to make things simpler for those who did want to preserve spaces. Personally I'd like to see a /echoex command and a new set of $pN identifiers for custom commands/aliases which supported null tokens (and therefore consecutive spaces).

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.