Hi there Folks.........

I have a small problem I cannot seem to rectify.....

I have recently obtained a script for thanking for voice, op and halfop in channels, but alas the halfop does not seem to work.

Here is the c ode I have used:

on 1:HALFOP:#:{
if ($hopnick == $me) { /msg $chan ^0^ } /timer 1 2 /describe $chan 7huggles4 $nick $+ 7, "Thank youuu!" }

on 1:DEHALFOP:#:{
if ($hopnick == $me) { /msg $chan 3What? I gave you a friggin huggle for that...! } /timer 1 2 /describe $chan 7flips off4 $nick $+ ... }

If any one could assist me on this I would be greatful.

Many thanks in advance. smile

Last edited by BritishGent; 13/04/07 12:36 AM.

Never ASSUME!!!

As it often makes and ASS out of U and ME!!