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First of all, avoid GOTO. Just use the IF that you already have and put the information into there instead of telling the script to jump somewhere else for no reason.

if (Wii isin %section) {
  Wii section data
elseif (Xbox isin %section) {
  Xbox section data

That's a much cleaner way to code and won't have any issues with going into the next section.

Note that this line is invalid:
if (-RELOADED || -Razor1911 || -DEViANCE || -ADDICTION || -RECHARGED || -GGS || -FASiSO|| -JFKPC || -ViTALiTY || -FLT || -PROCYON || -HATRED || -POSTMORTEM || -OVERDUE || -QUARTEX || -GGS isin %rls) { goto section }

You need to have "isin %rls" in each OR section... not just at the end.

Also, if you want a script to end, instead of GOTO END, just use RETURN.

Finally, for your many IF's that goto section or end, you should use ELSEIF if you want to have them all like that. An easier way to handle that would be either to use tokens or else a temporary hash table so that there is a single IF statement that covers everything. I'm not sure what kind of speed difference that would give you, but it's something to consider. Btw, if you check for DVDR, the following check for MDVDR won't ever happen because it's already been true for the DVDR check. So that check isn't even necessary. And, if you do "*text* iswm" as a check, that's the same as doing "text isin". There's not need to use wildcards unless you only do them on one side, or you're using them inbetween things, or whatever.

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