You're using OR instead of AND (|| instead of &&), thats whats causing your problem.
Also, I would suggest doing this instead:
on *:text:*:?: {
 if ($1 == !login) {
  if (($2- == %admincode1) && ($nick == %admin1)) {
   msg $nick .: Admin nickname: %admin1 . :.
   msg $nick .: Log in status: Logged in. :.
   msg $nick .: Log in code: %admincode1 :.
  else {
   msg $nick .: Your nickname: $nick $+ . :.
   msg $nick .: You're a admin?: No :.
   msg $nick .: You're not permitted to use this command :.

Never use halt, unless you need to stop any more events of the same type from processing.

Last edited by Kardafol; 31/03/07 03:20 PM.

Those who can, cannot. Those who cannot, can.