[quote=SaribroAgreed, a big part of those got their application design right in the first place, so they don't need to fix it for Vista. [/quote]

I wouldn't say it's that they got the design right. I'd say that what their programs do doesn't deal with parts that were changed in Vista. Vista introduced (or at least required the use of) a lot of security features. If you have a program that deals with any of those changes, then you'd need to have an update no matter how good your design was.

If I were a car maker and I made a great gas-powered car - perfect design, stylish, etc - and someone came along and made it a law that all cars must be powered by only electricity, then I'd have to make changes to the car even though it was a perfect car up to that point. Yet, if I was a glass manufacturer, I don't have to worry about the change in the law and so I don't need to put out updated versions. It's the same thing with programming.

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