Yeah you only need the -t switch if the data you're sending begins with a &. Otherwise it doesn't matter.

The problem now is that the webpage you're connecting to doesn't finish the content with a $crlf, so /sockread won't read the data into a text variable unless you force it to with the -f switch:
on *:sockread:cbrank:{
  while 1 {
    sockread %vrs
    echo -a :: %vrs
    if (!$sockbr) break
  ; All the lines ending with $crlf have been read!

  ; Now we check the read queue to see if there's any data we'll need to force with -f
  if ($sock(cbrank).rq) {
    sockread -f %vrs
    echo -a :: %vrs

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.