Very nice. Works just as it should. No, I didn't know about the manual, thanks, it's gobs better than the little regex guide I was using.

There is still one small bug, sadly its not an easily caught little case. Rather an oversight.

12,14hey4,34Hello, 12,412,412,4No!

Try that as a test case. Although it seems sound, to remove the second color code as it's quickly reset. The background color is changed and without the alias the background for the Hello is green (3) while with the other code its grey (14). I didn't even realize color codes worked like that. Oh, and pasting all that code you had had even odder errors. For that test case it returned: 4hey H e l l o , 12,4No!.

In any case, thanks for all your help.

alias ddc {
  var %a
  !.echo -q $&
    $regsub($1,/((?:[]|(?:\d\d?(?:\x2C\d\d?)?)?)+|\s)?/g,\1,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/((?:[]|(?:\d\d?(?:\x2C\d\d?)?)?)+|\s)?/g,\1,%a) $& 
    $regsub(%a,/((?:[]|(?:\d\d?(?:\x2C\d\d?)?)?)+|\s)?/g,\1,%a) $& 
    $regsub(%a,/(?:(?:\d\d?(?:\x2C\d\d?)?)?)+(\s*(?:\d\d?(?:\x2C\d\d?)?)?)/g,\1,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/(\d[^]*[^\d][^]*)(?=\D|$)/g,\1,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/(?<=(\d\d\x2C\d\d))([^]+)\1/g,\2,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/(?<=(\d\d\x2C\d))([^\d]+[^]*)\1(?!\d)/g,\2,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/(?<=(\d\x2C\d\d))([^]+)\1/g,\2,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/(?<=(\d\x2C\d))([^\d]+[^]*)\1(?!\d)/g,\2,%a) $&
    $regsub(%a,/(?<=(\d\d))([^]+)\1/g,\2,%a) $&
  ;!.echo -q $regsub(%a, /(?<=:(\d\d(?:\x2C\d\d)?)([^]*))\1/g,\1\2,%a);ignore
  if $regex(%a,/(\d)/) { %a = $remove($left(%a,$calc($regml(1).pos - 1)),) $+ $mid(%a,$regml(1).pos) }  
  else %a = $remove(%a,)
  return %a