in my dialog i tupe "boing" name click button and he set
and add name on the list
now he can asinge values to the 31 day on that name when he select the date
he select the name whit clickin on the list box
set %izbor $did(230).seltext
he select the date from the combo
set %kojidan $did(310).seltext
and add info on name under selected date
/set % $+ %izbor $+ %kojidan $calc(((%rac3 * 60) + %rac4) - ((%rac1 * 60) + %rac2))
and now come my problem
if (% $+ %izbor $+ %kojidan != $null) {
/set $?!="Do you need to edit data?"
if ( == $false) {
this i cant make to work becose % $+ %izbor $+ %kojidan is = "%boing2" but not the valye on %boing2
can someone help me whit this