Version: 6.21
Ok so this is going to be more graphical than explanation, but the gist of it is that $ip and Local Info don't correspond to the documentation nor does it make much sense in how this all works out. In one way, why would $ip be evaluating to me as my local ip, and shown in a channel or query windows as my local ip, but display my actual public IP to the channel or queried user? Shouldn't $ip evaluate with one result and not two?

Second happening is that $ip evaluates completely null, both to me and to everyone else when I empty the Local Info field, but according to the above, it should still display the actual public ip, right?

Third happening is that when I enter ANY valid IP into Local Info's IP Address box, $ip, on my end, evaluates as that ip, but again, my actual public IP is shown to everyone else.

(IP used was AT&T's main DNS server)
EDIT: (Please disregard the difference in IP's used for "for everyone else:", my bad with typing in my IP)
I have tested this both with my main client and a completely new client in a different folder (no scripts or anything loaded), and I still get the same result. Is it possible that the either the documentation is not clearly defined in how this all works or that something with how mIRC works is flawed? I call it a bug because I didn't receive a constant response when fooling around with Local Info. The way I see it, $ip should evaluate once, locally and publicly and give a constant result, not two different results not being posted differently.