I think you misunderstand what I'm asking for with the echo. smile

alias kban {
  if ($1 ischan) {
    var %cnt = 2
    while (%cnt <= $0) {
      var %bans = %bans $iif($($+($,%cnt),2) ison $chan,$address($($+($,%cnt),2),2))
      inc %cnt
    echo -a Bans: $1 %bans
    ban $1 %bans
    kick $1 $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(44))

Then, when you try, it will echo something starting with Bans: ... paste that in and it will show up what's happening. I'll see if I can see any issues here, but like I said, it seems to work okay here with echo.

Last edited by Riamus2; 10/03/07 12:26 AM.

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