I have a very basic top 10 stats script that allows me to create a top10 of the talkers in a channel.
The thing is, I can't use it in a large channel because the .ini file the data is stored in, is too large at some point.

Here's the code to call the top10:
alias top {
  var %d = 1, %w = @top10, %file = wordsso.ini
  window -hn %w
  clear %w
  while $ini(%file,%d) {
    aline %w $v1 $readini(%file,$v1,words)
    inc %d
  filter -cteuww 2 32 %w %w
  var %k = 1, %c
  while %k <= 10  {
    %c = %c $+($chr(32),12,$chr(35),%k,) $iif($line(%w,%k),$v1,*)
    inc %k
  window -c %w
  return %c

Now is there a better solution, than to just store the info in a .ini file?