I have a strange problem with Mirc, XP and remote desktop. Maybe it would help shed light on the 10053 problem for me to describe it...

I have 3 PCs, 2 laptops and a desktop.

The desktop PC runs XP and Mirc and connects to some random irc server.

The laptops runs a remote desktop /client/. One of the laptops runs win98 and the other XP.

If I pull out the wireless card on the /laptop/ (either one) it causes the MIRC connection to drop (10053)!! Remember, the desktop, not the laptop is running mirc.

I can't see why this should happen. If I run say a telnet session using some terminal emulator on the desktop pc to some random host then that doesn't drop when I pull out the card ont he laptop, so I don't think it's a problem with the desktop PC...

If I pull out the laptop card while I'm not connected to the desktop via remote desktop it doesn't cause Mirc to drop.

If I log out of remote desktop, likewise, it doesn't cause the mirc connection to drop.

The wireless access point on my network is physically separate from the router (default gateway) and I don't think it's anything to do with the network.

Like I say, maybe this would help shed light on the 10053 issue.
