ton90y, the way this site works is like this:

If you have a problem/suggestion/are in need of help, you find the appropriate forum for your issue. First thing to do would be to look at the topics OR use the search feature (which many times needs to be pushed to the maxmium range dates). Once you find the topic relevant to your issue, click it and read the topic, in full, including any referenced posts.

If you can not find any relevant information, then feel free to post, in the proper forum, your issue stating as much info as you can give us (such as your OS, CPU or RAM (if needed), mirc version, screen shot if you have one, etc etc etc). We will, at our convenience, get back to you asking for more info OR with help. The help will NOT always come in the form of:

"You asked for this, here's your answer"

Many times you'll get a reply of:

"You asked for this, and while I dont know enough about it, try it this way"

Which should give you at least a starting off point. If you feel you need more information, by all means, say so, but tell us what exactly you're still having an issue with so we can give you the proper help smile

Does that help you out? laugh

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it