Each time I get on to connect, it always says the following:

* Connecting to irc.unibg.org (6667)
-irc.unibg.org- *** Processing connection to irc.UniBG.org
-irc.unibg.org- *** Looking up your hostname...
-irc.unibg.org- *** Checking Ident
-irc.unibg.org- *** Found your hostname
* Identd request from
* Identd replied: 1500, 6667 : USERID : UNIX : djfreezie
-irc.unibg.org- *** Got Ident response
-irc.UniBG.org- *** Banned ne priemam uslovia ot provinil se user !
Closing Link: (*** Banned )
* Disconnected
* Connect retry #1 (6667)

It retries but then the same thing happens and it always says banned. I don't get what's wrong. Please help!