/help on INPUT

on INPUT is set up similar to on TEXT, but it is different, so make sure you look at it. You'll need to basically duplicate your on TEXT in an on INPUT event to make them work for you as well.

on @*:input:#:{
  if ($1 == !k) {
    kick $chan $2 $3
  elseif ($1 == !kb) {
    .Ban $chan $2
    kick $chan $2 $3

Note that I combined them into one to make it easier. You could use multiple on INPUTs just like the multiple on TEXTs if you want.

Also, I removed the isop/ishop check and used @ on the event line to indicate that it should only work if the bot is opped. You should include the @ on your on TEXT lines as well to prevent errors if the bot isn't opped when someone does that command. Don't remove the isop/ishop line on the on TEXT events, though.

A word of warning. Your current on TEXTs will fail when someone does !kb unless you change the order so that !kb* is before !k* or unless you put a space before the *'s -- !k *, and !kb *. The reason is because only the first matching event will trigger in a single script file. Because !k* matches !kb, you will trigger the !k* event instead of the !kb* event.

You may want to also include basic error checking... such as making sure someone actually included a nick/address with the command.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net