You may need $+ before the *. I don't know the format of that RAW, so I'm not positive, but from your description, it sounds like that could be an issue.

$remove($6,[,]) $+ *
$remove($6,$chr(44)) $+ * <-- Same thing

Now... you did mention you needed to get the IP from the real name. If those are together as $6 in the RAW:

$6 == IP,name

Then, removing the comma will leave you with:

$6 == IPname

You'd need to use $gettok instead...


Then add your * to the end.

Anyhow, you seem to have identifiers and variables mixed up. You can make a custom identifier, but I don't think that's what you're trying to do. I think you're just trying to have 2 variables and have the second one based on the first one.

set %x $remove($6,[,])
set %y %x $+ *

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