Here's the code (updated with enabling/disabling):
# Dice roller, by Kardafol
#rolldice off
on *:text:!roll*:#: {
  ;flood protection
  if (%flood.roll) return
  set %flood.roll 1
  .timerflood.roll 1 3 unset %flood.roll 

  ; syntax things, and error checking
  if ((!$2) || ($2 == help)) {
    msg # Syntax: <<dice>d<sides: 4/6/8/10/20/100>|<number>>[<+/->...]. <> = required, [] = optional. $&
      ... means you may repeat the expression. <number> is a number to add to the total without rolling a dice for it. The first part must be a roll. $&
      Limit to <dice> is 100.
    msg # Examples: !roll 2d6+5, !roll 1d20, !roll 2d6+1d8-3. Bad examples: !roll 2d2+4, !roll 5+2d6, !roll 101d4+5

  var %x = $rolldice($2-)
  if (-* iswm %x) {
    msg # $nick $+ , your syntax is invalid. Possible errors: $gettok(%x,2-,32) $+ .
  else {
    describe # rolls dice for $nick $+ , and gets: %x


alias rolldice {
  if (!$1) return -
  ; Syntax checking:

  var %s = $1-, %st = 09, %f = 1
  while ($regsub(%s,/^((\d+)d(?:4|6|8|10|20|100)(?:[-+]|$)|\d+(?:[-+]|$))/,$null,%s)) {
    if ((%f == 1) && (*d* !iswm $regml(1))) {
      return - $+(%st,04,$regml(1),%s)
    if ($regml(2) > 100) {
      return - $+(%st,04,$regml(1),%s)
    var %st = %st $+ $regml(1)
    inc %f
  if (%s != $null) {
    return - $+(%st,04,%s)

  ; The actual calculations and rolls

  var %x = $1-, %rolls, %t, %total
  while ($regsub(roll,%x,/^(?:(\d+)(d)(4|6|8|10|20|100)([-+]|$)|(\d+)([-+]|$))/,$null,%x)) {
    if ($regml(roll,2) == d) {
      var %d = $regml(roll,1), %s = $regml(roll,3)
      var %o = $droll(%d,%s), %t = $gettok(%o,1,32), %rx = $gettok(%o,2-,32)
      var %total = $calc(%t %m %total)
      var %rolls = %rolls $iif(%m,%m) $+([,%rx,])
      var %m = $regml(roll,4)
    else {
      if (!%m) %m = +
      var %total = $iif(%total,$calc(%total %m $regml(roll,1)),$regml(roll,1))
      var %rolls = %rolls %m $regml(roll,1)
      var %m = $regml(roll,2)
  if ($len(%rolls) > 150) %rolls = [hidden, too long to display.]
  return %rolls = %total
alias droll {
  if (($1 !isnum) || ($2 !isnum)) return 
  var %n = $1, %s = $2, %r, %rolls, %t
  while (%n) {
    %r = $rand(1,%s)
    %t = $calc(%t + %r)
    %rolls = $iif(%rolls,$+(%rolls,+,%r),%r)
    dec %n
  return %t $+(%rolls,=,%t)
#rolldice end

alias diceroll {
  if (!$1) {
    echo -ac info * Dice Roll is $iif($group(rolldice) == on,enabled,disabled) $+ . /diceroll <on/off> to enable, disable.
  if ($1 == on) {
    if ($group(#rolldice) == on) echo -ac info * Dice Roll is already enabled.
    else {
      .enable #rolldice
      echo -ac info * Dice Roll has been enabled.
  elseif ($1 == off) {
    if ($group(#rolldice) == off) echo -ac info * Dice Roll is already disabled.
    else {
      .disable #rolldice
      echo -ac info * Dice Roll has been disabled.
on *:load: {
  echo -ac info * Dice Roll V1 by kardafol has been sucessfully loaded.
  echo -ac info * Type /diceroll on to enable dice rolling. (Disabled by deafult.)

Tell me if you get any bugs, and I'll try to fix it.

Last edited by Kardafol; 11/01/07 08:47 PM.

Those who can, cannot. Those who cannot, can.