No, it's not enough, though, not for this reason. While trying things out, I was wrongly assuming it had an .active property.

I'm trying to make a dialog to navigate to certain, in the dialog listboxes listed, windows, some desktop, some not, depending upon configuration.
When I click (in a dialog list) for example on the name of a channel window, it should toggle between active and hidden.

alias togglewin { if ($istok(minimized hidden,$window($1-).state,32)) { window -a $+(",$1-,") } | else { window -h $+(",$1-,") } }

With above code, when the selected window is graphically present (doesnt matter fully visible, partly or completely covered by other window(s)), to make it active, it needs two clicks instead of one.
The practical situation is then that I can toggle with one click one window, but if I select another window, and select then that first one back, I have to click twice.
Result is that one time, I have to click once to make a window active, and the other time, I have to click twice, which is annoying and confusing, especially if the script lags abit due to other tasks.