ok since I started with this I had nothing but probleme's i need help, figuring out a way of doiing this script in a better way. it's suposed to op all the user whit access level 2 on #channel & level 3 owner with the maximum $modespl for now everything work really well. my probleme is even if the var are empty it keep starting a empty timer. i have try to set up an if to check if (%o != $null) and then start de timer but it still goes off witout any data in it, so that's what i need help whit !?!

* Timer .fix126.#wire 1 time(s) 126s delay mode #wire +oooooo [C]hocolat [W]indows Admx-Tech amdx-bot amdx-drone web (UnderNet)
* Timer .fix127.#wire 1 time(s) 16129s delay mode #wire +oooooo (UnderNet) <-====== ??? empty timer ???
* Timer .fix128.#wire 1 time(s) 16384s delay mode #wire +oooooo [W]indows Admx-Tech amdx-bot amdx-drone web (UnderNet)

the USERS access are added this way:
/guser 3 nick 2 owner
/guser 2 nick 2 #channel


menu channel { 
  fix channel:{ set %o.c $chan | fix } 

alias fix {
  set %o 0 | var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $nick(%o.c,%i,a,o)) {
    if $me !isop %o.c halt
    var %n = $nick(%o.c,%i,a,o) | var %c = $address(%n,2)
    if ($ulist(%c,3,1) != $null) && ($ulist(%c).info == owner) {
      inc %o | set %op. [ $+ [ %o ] ] %n
      if (%o == $modespl) { goto fastn }
    if ($ulist(%c,2,1) != $null) && ($ulist(%c).info == $chan) {
      inc %o | set %op. [ $+ [ %o ] ] %n
      if (%o == $modespl) { goto fastn }
    if (%o == $modespl) {
      var %full = %op.2 %op.3 %op.4 %op.5 %op.6 %op.7 | if (%full == $null) { halt }
      if %x < 5 || %x == $null && %rp < 15 || %rp = $null { mode %o.c + $+ $str(o,$modespl) %op.1 %op.2 %op.3 %op.4 %op.5 %op.6 %op.7 | unset %op.* }
      else { inc -u120 %rp | timer.fix $+ %rp $+ . $+ %o.c 1 %rp mode %o.c + $+ $str(o,$modespl) %op.1 %op.2 %op.3 %op.4 %op.5 %op.6 %op.7 | unset %op.* }
    inc %i
  if (%o != $null) { inc -u120 %rp | timer.fix $+ %rp $+ . $+ %o.c 1 $calc(%rp * %rp) mode %o.c + $+ $str(o,$modespl) %op.1 %op.2 %op.3 %op.4 %op.5 %op.6 %op.7 | unset %op.* }

this script is actully in a mirc bot, I put it like this so you guys can have a better look

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