Well, it depends on how you store the data.

Here's a simple example if you store the data in a text file using:

//write filename.txt text $ctime
on *:text:!latest:#: {
  if (!$isfile(filename.txt)) { msg $chan No data available. | return }
  .play -a playlatest $chan filename.txt 1500

alias -l playlatest {
  inc %latest.cnt
  msg $1 %latest.cnt $+ $chr(41) $gettok($2-,1- $calc($gettok($2-,0,32) - 1),32) $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok($2-,0,32)))
  if (%latest.cnt >= $lines(filename.txt)) { unset %latest.cnt }

That should work fine. Just remember that you need to use that command to write the data to the text file. If you manually enter the information into the text file, you need to find out what $ctime is and not just type $ctime there. To find out what it is, you can type //echo -a $ctime

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