Originally Posted By: oriongods
this is not bad protection but this is just as a lil addon

on *:DEOP:#: {
and when your script deops him
/kick $chan $nick Don't Deop Me
this addon:

/set %abuser $nick

NOW if you are on network that uses chanserv you know that you can bypass BAN if user has access to your chan and he gives as his defence /chanserv invite $me $chan

your defence on this is:

on *JOIN:#: {
if (%abuser ison $chan) && ($me isop $chan) { /kick %abuser $chan DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF!

so every time he will get kicked if you are op, and if he will on responce for ban call invite command (every time) he will flood services and he will get killed laugh
BUT notice that on this addon you only kick, not banning, coz it will only slow your script IF it gonna check does he have ban or not OR on every kick if you give ban it will flood you too,
in most cases this is very good solution but you choose what to do laugh

whr do i put all the script on?? theres so many tabs.. i dunno whr.. any1 help me plz?