Instead of
alias dialog_id_description { return 23 }
on *:dialog:dname:sclick:23:{
 did -ra $dname $dialog_id_description Test

Using a constant
constant dialog_id_description 23
on *:dialog:dname:sclick:'dialog_id_description:{
  did -ra $dname 'dialog_id_description Test

Additionally, Constants can only be single line, can only be defined outside of an alias, and would be usable anywhere; dialog tables, event definitions, etc... They would be different than global variables because they can not be modified from the command line. I'm also open to suggestions on using some other special character rather than a single quote.

This feature can make scripts more readable and easier to debug. smile

Last edited by NaquadaServ; 23/12/06 04:50 PM.
