Here's an example of what I was trying to say...
on *:input:#: {
  if ($1 == !stats) { echo -a Displaying stats... | msg $chan Here are the stats (line 1) | msg $chan Here are the stats (line 2) }
  elseif ($1 == !help) { echo -a Displaying help... | msg $chan This is the help (line 1) | msg $chan This is the help (line 2) }

Granted, I would never code that way, but many people do for some really strange (imo) reason.

Anyhow, let's say that I want to comment out the elseif line to test or for some other reason. If pipes stop the comment, then I can't just put a semicolon in front of that entire line. It will prevent the if and echo parts, but the msg lines will still occur and they wouldn't even be in an ELSEIF statement anymore... they'd appear no matter what was typed. I really think that is a BAD thing. I shouldn't have to put a semicolon at the beginning of the line AND after every pipe just to make the entire line commented.

As a side note, if people stopped putting many commands all on one line instead of spreading them out across multiple lines to make the code easier to read and so you don't have to scroll horizontally just to see what is happening, none of this would matter. I admit that I use pipes occasionally, but I usually only use them for error checking lines... if (this is true) { echo -a error | return }. That sort of thing.

Anyhow, everyone can script however they want to since there isn't an official standard to follow.

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