I have a script that I wrote that handles stats in my channel. I set it up so that it can display stats from a user's request and from requesting them for the client with the script (using on INPUT). It works great. However, if I do something like this from the client with the script:


It shows up as:

<Riamus> There have been [color:#33FF33]182,048 visits since September 21, 2003, with a peak of 69.[/color]
<Riamus> Those visitors have typed [color:#33FF33]2,366,002 lines in this channel and 2,978 have been kicked out.[/color]
<Riamus> During that time, there have been [color:#33FF33]102,226 smiles, 31,234 frowns, and 74,106 laughs.[/color]
<Riamus> !channelstats

Notice that the text I typed appeared after the msg lines displayed the stats to the channel. It appears this way on the client with the script and for everyone else in the channel. I assume on INPUT is handling the code before displaying the text you typed in case you want to halt it, but it's a little strange.

It's been like this for a long time, but wasn't always like this. A new mIRC version changed it to appear after the msg lines, but now I forget what version it was... probably something around 6.03 or so.

Anyhow, I know I could do a workaround where I msg the channel with !channelstats followed by the msg's for the stats and then halt my text. It will appear first that way, but I shouldn't have to do it like that. Does anyone know why it does this or have a suggestion on how to prevent it from doing that?

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