Actually, I do see a problem with it thanks to how I used $iif for the example (I'm trying to do this while finishing up stuff at work, so didn't take into account all situations... the wildcard example does work). The way I worded what you quoted is still correct. The $readn example would not give an output because the $iif check would be false ($null). The .line example would give a line number because the .line check would be true (a line number) assuming that it will give a line number regardless of whether there is text after the matchtext, which is what would make sense to me if it was implemented.

So use my wildcard example as the reason why I don't see much difference in length. Or, just show me an example that shows how the change in length is significant when using .line instead of $readn as obviously, this is just ONE example and other situations will change the code and the lengths for both methods.

This would actually do what was necessary if using $iif ... just needed the check for the false that would show up if the matchtext was all that was on that line.

So that example is 15 characters shorter. Unless you use this regularly, that isn't a significant reduction in characters, and the wildcard example is more likely to be used, which has an increase in characters. I just don't see that much difference.

I actually don't care if it is added... I just don't see the need.

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