Thanks for your help. I've done some more work, unfortunately this isn't working the way I'd like.

Hopefully the following code will be sufficient to indicate what I want, even though I'm not getting it.
 menu * {
  Nick Message Notification
  .Notify List has $iif($hget(Watch,Notify) = 1,1 entry,$iif($hget(Watch,Notify),$v1,no) entries)
  ..$iif($hget(Watch,Notify),Add,Set) Notification Nick : notify.list add $input(Notification Nick,e,Add Notification Nick,$iif($1,$1,$me))
  ..$iif($hget(Watch,Notify),Remove Notification Nick) : notify.list del $input(Notification Nick,e,Remove Notification Nick,$iif($1,$1,$me))
  .$iif($hget(Watch,Notify),Select Nick) : noop

alias -l notify_nicks {
  $iif(Notify.* iswm $hget(Watch,$1).item,return $gettok($v2,-1,46))

alias -l notify.list {
  var %nicks = $replace($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32)), %a = 1, %b = $numtok(%nicks,32)
  while %a <= %b {
    $iif($1 == add,.hadd -m,.hdel) Watch $+(Notify.,$gettok(%nicks,%a,32)) $true
    inc %a
    .hinc Watch Notify

In case what I want can't be determined, what I'm looking for is an accessable list of the nicks in the hash table where each item in the hash table is in the format of Notify.<nick>